Monday, February 27, 2012


Welcome to Shaddoes' Wild Ride! I am Shad and this is my spot to tell you a little about myself. I'm 21 years old and my parents' still believe that sparing the rod, will spoil this child. That isn't just an expression of speech at our house. In fact, for my butt, it is a way of life.   I thought that we  had rescued                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   my butt from that way of life. Not quite so as my Dad has asserted that, "As long as I am paying for your room, board, and tuition then YOUR dorm room or college apartment is an extension of MY roof".  Of course, I objected to that premise and started to argue my point. As I did I, perhaps I did so a little to strenuously, because a he promptly pulled down my pants and panties and introduced me to his one souvenir from his days as a well-toned college athlete. He, unfortunately for me, had kept his fiberglass Ping-Pong paddle. He was lead server ON THE BIG RED MACHINE, Yep; you guessed it... the fiber glass paddle that used in his quest for college domination was red. That made it easy to judge as to when my butt was roasted, toasted and burned to a crisp. 
 Today I'm a Mama's girl, but I haven’t always have been.  Maybe I grew so by later by default.  You see, growing up I was always right there by Dad’s side. It seemed that I was always getting into trouble for my attention problems. You see I didn't have any attention to speak of. That's not to say I have, or ever have had, ADD. I've just always had trouble paying attention to what I was supposed to be doing, or not doing, as the case may have been.  The fact is that once my Dad got married it wasn’t very long until my new Mama decided a few years ago to try something besides grounding me as when I was, I was always right there by her side, or I has gotten myself into trouble somehow.  So much was I stuck to Mom or Dad at the hip, or getting into mischief, that that they nick-named me Shad-does.  Yep that's a cross between Shadow and shad-does... either way it fits...
Sigh, I miss my preteen days...   My  parents, at that time, were your typical Doctor Spock parents. (The pediatrician, not the Vulcan science officer on the USS Enterprise-A). My parent's HATE Star Trek! I, on the other hand, LOVE Star Trek!  My favorite series/captain or character from Star Trek? I must say, If it weren't for CAPTAIN, OH MY, CAPTAIN Jean-Luc Picard then I would still be a prepubescent mess. Such a wonderfully manly man with such a commanding presence! He can command me anytime!  I had my first Big O daydreaming about him bending me over his knee while in the captain’s chair. Were he to tell me to bend over, YOUNG LADY,  I intend to spank you ‘til your bare bottom is the color of my uniform! My instantaneous  reply would be, "MAKE IT SO!!!")  By the way my ost pleasant dream has now come true. The other evening, when I went to check out a book from the library. I looked up from the book I was, umm.., ahh.., "checking out", about modern day Shakespearean actors and my eyes were treated to see the most amazing sight. There, sitting in a captain's chair, behind the circulation desk, was a Patrick Stewart look alike! The only difference I could detect between this day-dream come true, and Patrick Stewart, is that Luka, is my age-and, Luka (Did I mention his name is Luka) Well Luka has the most amazing long black hair and Patrick is bald. His name badge said Luka which was helpful just then since at the time my mouth had NO capacity for coherent speech after hearing his voice. He opened his mouth, the one on that wonderfully beautiful face, and from that perfect mouth came the most amazing British accent. 
 Something that my Parents, have kept that they learned as devotees to Dr. Spock. They listen to me. My parents always listen, but then they spank me mercilessly when I don't... listen that is.    Of course, Dad says the same thing about Momma too.... OK NOW I'VE GOT TO GO AND HIDE My realm has darkness and light, hopefully one day it will be more light than dark. In the meantime, however, my shadows’ comfort me.

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